Tag Archives: lead generation form

Surviving the “Form Filtering Phase”


Posted by Brenda Timm, Vice President – Strategic Communication & Online Services

You’ve written a clever subject line and your recipient clicks to open the message … success! The intro copy is so compelling that he or she takes the next step and clicks the link to the guide/e-book/tip sheet, etc., you’re sharing … hooray!

But, unfortunately, the celebrating often ends here as this is the point where many would-be readers drop off.

Why is this the case?

When confronted with a lead generation form, many people suddenly decide that the content they’re about to download might not be worth the hassle. They might see all those fields as too daunting and immediately forget about the value the piece may have to offer. Or, they might question how you’re planning to use the contact details they’re asked to provide.

Whatever the case, the good news is that there are many ways to help your readers through this “form filtering phase.” Here’s a start:

  • Along with the form, add some supporting bullet points to the page with content highlights that serve as a reminder of what’s to come. Other options? Pull out an excerpt or a quote that teases the information within or preview some data and percentages (people love numbers!).
  • Consider the information that is most essential to collect and simplify your lead generation form to as few fields as possible.
  • Mark only the required fields with asterisks and make the rest optional. Note the specifics so readers understand exactly what needs to be filled out.
  • Add your privacy policy and reassure respondents that their contact details won’t be passed around. Don’t have enough space? Link to your policy.
  • Be clear on the call to action. Start with a fitting headline such as “Get Your Free Guide” and end with an appropriate button like “Download Now” or similar.
  • Include a contact number or email address in case the reader chooses not to download your content, but has a question or still wants to reach out.

It’s a big deal when readers open your message and click to take action. Don’t risk losing them at the sight of a lead generation form … follow some simple steps to help readers make it all the way to your content.